Reducing the size of ESP32 code by turning of the debug features in the ESP-IDF

When looking at a lot of the ESP32 related videos on YouTube, I have noticed that most people seem to prefer to use the Arduino IDE for their development, even though it is obvious the ESP-IDF has a lot more configuration options that can be chosen. The Arduino IDE is made for people who like to write nice looking code, while the ESP-IDF is made for low level systems programmers who are only concerned about low memory use and performance, which is why the ESP-IDF has so many options that can be used to achieve what low level systems programmers want, while the Arduino IDE only makes things lovely and accessible, while hiding the more important options that can help when you are writing code for a more advanced microcontroller, that has a lot of advanced peripherals on it. This is a bit like how Python is being pushed as the popular programming language for the Raspberry Pi, when it is a slow interpreted language, that will obviously like to run a low powered cpu at 100%, while it is doing some basic looped operations. People are even trying to put Python on the Espressif MCUs as well, almost as if they want everyone to experience the slowness of Python on their processors. To get the best performance and low memory use on the ESP32, it is best to stick with coding in C using the ESP-IDF.