Jupyter Notebook Setup on a Remote Server Then in Visual Studio Code

In this video I am showing how to set up and configure Anaconda 3 on a remote server so that Jupyter Notebook can then be run on it. For access to a remote notebook, it first has to be run on a server so that it can bind to a specific port, so that you can then access it with the url that is displayed in the console, when it starts up. By default Jupyter Notebook will start up listening on localhost, which means that you cannot access it directly over the internet by default. This is done for security reasons, but you can change its configuration so that it listens on the external interface, which would then allow you to access it directly over the network.
I decided to go with the secure localhost configuration and then had to use ssh to forward the remote Notebook listening port to the local machine. I then show how to copy the link into Visual Studio Code, so that the Jupyter Notebook could be eddited inside it.