Building FFmpeg on Windows 10 The Easy Way With All of The Extra Codecs, Even though it does take a while

In this video I am showing how to build a static binary of FFmpeg on Windows 10, that contains all of the codecs that are required for a decent video encoding experience. If you try to download a build of FFmpeg from the internet from a well known site, then there are certain codecs, with patents on them, that that site cannot include in their FFmpeg build. To get a hold of these patent encumbered codecs, your only option is to downlad the source for FFmpeg and compile it yourself. If you then try to build FFmpeg by itself, you will find that it will have a few useful decoders built into it, but you will also find that it does not contain any useful encoders. To fix this you would then have to find all of the relevent dependancies, build them first and then compile FFmpeg at the end, which you will find will take a whole heap of time.
This script that I am using does all of this hard work for you and you can see that it is doing a whole heap of work, because of how long you will have to wait before your FFmpeg binary is ready.

The script can be downloaded from the below link:

The commands are on the article at my website at the below link:

c:\ffmpeg\ffmpeg -thread_queue_size 512 -i file-to-be-encoded.mp4 -codec:v libx264 -preset veryslow -profile:v high -crf 30 -coder 1 -bf 2 -g 15 -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a libfdk_aac -cutoff 20000 -b:a 96k -r:a 48000 -profile:a aac_low -movflags +faststart encoded-file.mp4